Stevia Syrup

Of course sugar comes from natural plant sources, but where Stevia is different is that it is a herb, with an appearance similar to that of fresh mint. If you can’t find or grow your own herb pot of fresh stevia, you can buy dried stevia leaves.

As a herb, very little processing is required in order to make Stevia Syrup, and so, it’s commonly dubbed the most natural sweetener in existence. It doesn’t spike your blood sugar, unlike every other natural sugar option, like honey or maple syrup.

Raw local honeys, raw maple syrup and agave syrup though are more noble versions of natural less processed sugars, because despite similarly being high in sucrose and fructose, they have a higher nutritional value. They contain more minerals and medicinal properties than refined cane or beet sugar, which are essentially nutrition-less energy-dense sugars that have undergone a long process of refinement.

Stevia Syrup is a good one to make and store in your refrigerator because it’s very simple, and very sweet. So if you have a sweet tooth, it is a superior option to many other sugar options, and certainly more natural than those horrible little artificial sweeteners that look more like pills.

Here’s a simple recipe to make your own stevia syrup as an alternative (and more natural let’s say) sweetener option.

Preferably, use fresh stevia leaves, but if you struggle to find them, this recipe tastes exactly the same with the dried stevia leaves in my opinion, only if you use fresh leaves, you need fewer for a potent sweet taste.

Preparation Time
Overnight soaking + 25 minutes

Stevia leaves, dried, 3 tbsp   
Mineral or purified water, 1 litre        

1. Place the dried stevia leaves in a glass container and 1/3 litre of water.
2. Cover the container tightly and let it sit for 24 hours.
3. Test the sweetness of the water, and if you feel it isn’t sweet enough, let it sit for another 12 to 24 hours*.
4. Strain the stevia water into a pan and add the remaining 2/3 litre of water.
5. Allow to simmer for 20 minutes.
6. Finally, allow it to cool, place in a tightly sealed jar or pot, and refrigerate (it should have the appearance of a green-brown very slightly syrupy liquid).

  • The longer you leave it to sit the sweeter, but leave it to sit for a maximum of 48 hours otherwise the taste can become bitter.

Enjoy for around 2 weeks to come.

By Dr. Gabriella F. Buttarazzi (Uma Shakti Devi)

Teacher Teacher Trainer Educational Researcher Writer Wildling Mother Mushroom Avocate

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